Neural Systems as Sources

Neurophysiological Grounding : A Speculation

Endeavour and the domains of functioning are almost certainly the expression of affective neurobiological systems that govern whole animal behaviour.

Jaak Panksepp has identified 7 emotion-based neural systems that do just this. These highly specific neural systems have been identified using direct brain stimulation and lesion studies in rodents and other mammals.

It is possible that THEE originates within or in close relation to the PAG, peri-aqueductal grey matter, a midline structure within the midbrain. This is known to be the location of primary process affective centres that produce emotional behaviours and also affect central controls of the autonomic nervous system.

The adjacent VTA, Ventral Tegmental Area, controls energized enthusiastic seeking/expectancy behaviour. If its outflows are bilaterally damaged, a mammal loses all capacity to do anything and will die without intensive care. I tentatively conjecture that the VTA is the source of Action-RL1 and therefore the foundation of Willed Endeavour. See a suggested correspondence in the Table below.

Conjectured from
the taxonomic architecture
Based on detailed observations, rational analyses and practical testing
  Identified Neural System Postulated Psychosocial Pressure Taxonomic Domain Primal Need
(in Taxonomy)
Primary SEEKING Performance RHL1-Action Achievement
FEAR Certainty RHL2-Inquiry Knowledge
RAGE Acceptability RHL3-Change Fitness
LUST Well-being RHL4-Experience Individuality
Domains CARE Understanding RHL5-Communication Association
PANIC-GRIEF Autonomy RHL6-Purpose Governance
PLAY Selflessness RHL7-Willingness Competence
Root Domain SELF Survival RH-Will/Endeavour Thriving

*J. Panksepp: Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions. 1998.

Notes on Panksepp's Findings

Organisms are conceived as active organisms whose brain systems allow them to engage with the world to meet their needs.

The conventional view is that animals are passive integrators of sensory information, some which may have its salience enhanced. The notion of an animal or indeed a person as an actor is weak in social sciences which generally emphasizes processing of information, and fragments all functioning into sub-organismic aspects e.g. cognition, learning, affect.

The present focus on endeavour conflicts with the current emphasis in neuroscience which emphasizes cognition and learning eg fMRI deals with cognitive functions.

In the classic behaviorist view, the brain is primarily an organ for learning and everything else is secondary.

In the present view, the brain is primarily an organ for endeavouring and creating meaning, and everything else is secondary.

According to Panksepp, affects or emotional experiences are the crucial guiding systems in pursuing endeavours. These neural systems are spelled in the Table and text with capitals to clarify that

(a) the term is Panksepp's name to refer to a subcortical neural circuit
(b) the term is not THEE-taxonomic
(c) the term cannot be safely assigned common connotations

It is quite unknown how the primary-process emotional neural systems work.

Strong feelings involve action and fMRI scans require subjects to remain immobile. Experimental conditions are not conducive to experiencing strong emotions. So they cannot tell us much about the human condition. Strong emotions shut down rational thought.

PET studies appear to be more useful. Damasio et al (2000) found increased blood flow in the midbrain.

All emotional systems involve the evolutionarily ancient PAG of the midgrain, while glutanate, norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine modulate all the systems. Decorticate animals play abundantly.

Could there be a primary process SELF: Simple Ego-type Life Form. A coherent centre of gravity for internal whole organism visceral affective and sensori-motor representations.

Distinguish the nomothetic core SELF from the experience dependent idiographic self.

FEAR & RAGE in lateral and medial temporal.

SEEKING in ventro-medial frontal, GRIEF in anterior cingulate.

SEEKING is basic ... the biggest and most pervasive emotional system of them all. It started in reptiles etc just by taking care of homeostatic needs (water, energy, heat). RAGE and FEAR evolved to avoid bodily destruction and compete effectively.

LUST promotes survival and is more anterior. The next phases was social: CARE, GRIEF and PLAY, which built on what pre-existed.

SEEKING is rewarding, but not typical sensory pleasure...rather an eagerness to pursue all kinds of rewards.

PAG is the most ancient and highly concentrated centre, adjacent to the  mesencephaic locotmotor region (MLR) and the GRA.

Total damage to the PAG leads to all world-directed activities stopping: animals are marginally awake but not conscious in a meaningful way.

Split brain patients show coherent emotional motor and whole body intentional behaviour....the coherence of self and consciousness is therefore subcortical.

Emotional systems have primacy in the genesis of consciousness—not sensory systems. Medial frontal cortex is more emotional in regard to activity.

Initially posted: Jan-2015.